Password Encryption With Bcrypt

By Steve Fischer

It's hard to know where to start with password encryption. One of the tripping points I think is that so many developers rely on all-in-one services to do their password encryption. For Ruby a backend scripting language there is Devise. For Node.js, there is Passport.

These services wave away the grunt work of doing password encryption and leave the developer knowing how to use the tool, rather than giving him or her a deeper knowledge of the process at hand.

This is not to say that Passport or Devise are bad options. I have used them both in projects. My scaled-down Reddit-clone uses Devise. And I have a Node.js project that never went to production that uses Passport.

Why Use Bcrypt then?

There are many different ways to hash a password. Bcrypt is just one of them.

If you read the Wikipedia Page, you will hear words like Blowfish and the term rainbow table; however, those are not necessary to understanding Bcrypt.

Of the many hashing functions MD5, SHA1, SHA2, SHA3 Bcrypt stands apart because it slows down bruteforce attacks. With computing power always increasing, bruteforce attacks become a real danger.

Someone online could pay \$300 an hour for a super-computer cluster that could bruteforce crack your password in a couple seconds.

However, with Bcrypt it slows down the ability to do bruteforce attacks through its work factor, which you control.

For example, MD5 takes less than a microsecond to hash the password yaaa; however, Bcrypt takes .3 seconds when using a workfactor of 12.

So instead of cracking a password every 40 seconds, it would take 12 years or so.

Now, I am going to provide the code to hash a password.

There are two different techniques. I am going to give the one I prefer first:

// saltRounds = 10
bcrypt.hash(myPlaintextPassword, saltRounds, function(err, hash) {
  // Store hash in your password DB.


bcrypt.genSalt(saltRounds, function(err, salt) {
  bcrypt.hash(myPlaintextPassword, salt, function(err, hash) {
    // Store hash in your password DB.

To compare the password when a user logs in:

// Load hash from your password DB., hash, function(err, result) {
  // result == true

A great article that explains the utility of Bcrypt in layman's terms